Website Content Policy
Website Content Policy
This Community Website adheres to these guidelines for website content.
Photographs of Children
Where photographs are used when a child is identifiable, written consent has been obtained from their parent or guardian.
Photographs of children are used without consent only where individuals can not be identified (eg from a distance).
Photographs used always show children appropriately dressed.
Names of children are not shown in photographs or included in any accompanying text.
Personal details of children such as home addresses, e mail addresses and telephone numbers, are never included.
Photographs of Adults
Photographs showing adults in group situations or where individuals are unidentifiable are used without seeking consent from those individuals involved. They will be removed however upon request by an individual involved.
Images of identifiable individuals are used only where verbal consent has been given. Images will be removed upon request by the individual concerned.
Names, Addresses and Contact Details
Personal details (contact details of club secretary for example) are only displayed where verbal consent has been given. Details will be removed upon request by the individual concerned.
Uncensored Web Content
Pages where content can be added by anyone (the ‘Your Say’ page for example) are regularly reviewed to ensure no unsuitable material gets posted. We reserve the right to remove these features if they are abused in any way.
Password enabled news feeds are also monitored and we reserve the right to deny access to anyone found abusing these features.